Convincing Customers To Buy Your Product Isn’t Exactly Easy
It can be a bit tricky. In order to overcome objections customers may have about your product, having a one-on-one conversation with them is usually best. If you sell your products online it isn’t easy to do that. That is why it is critical to inform your customers of the true value of the product you are offering. If you’re unfamiliar with this process, this article will educate you as to how to inform your customers of the true value of your product.
People buy products or services for results.
They expect to get results when they buy your product or service. Yet for many customers even though they may get the results they are looking for, the price still may seem daunting and not worth it.
The price may be the only thing keeping them from buying your product.
To counteract this primary objection, speak in terms of value. Speaking in terms of value will frame your sales process in terms of the implicit worth of your product rather than solely its monetary cost. In this manner, you can avoid discussions with your customers that revolve around price alone. Additionally, having this quality discussion that emphasizes the importance of the product, rather than solely its cost will have this cost factor minimized.
Framing the sale in terms of value will help your customer see the long term benefits while building a trusting, mutually beneficial relationship.
Creating Value
In order to avoid having your customer make no decision at all, it is important to understand the decision-making process.
Start the conversation with the buyer and their challenges not with how great your solution is. The buyer has to understand that they have a challenge; they have pain that needs to be addressed before they can be shown a solution to it. If they don’t think they have a problem or need to change products there is no point in showing them a solution. The question ‘Why Consider a Change?’ should be addressed first. To create true value ask yourself these questions:
- How does your customer view your competitor’s product?
- Can you deliver more than your competition?
- What is important to your customer when it comes to their buying decision?
- What does your customer perceive as value?
Asking yourself these questions will help you create value. Put the buyer’s needs and challenges first before you try to convince them that your product is best. In order to create lasting relationships with your customers, you have to make them feel like you truly understand their pain and know how to effectively solve it.
Once you’ve gotten to the point where you understand their pain, you use this insight that to help you to educate your customer that your product is a better value than your competitor’s.
Having simple conversations with your customers about what they want to accomplish will help you gain valuable insights.
Asking smart questions that explore problems your customers have will help uncover opportunities. Customer insight can give you a competitive advantage. Customer insight can also be called customer centricity. It just means having your business focus on your customer. That doesn’t mean you should bow down to every customer trend either. You don’t have to throw traditional product marketing out the window. It is about balancing the needs of the customer with the needs of your business.
Collecting and utilizing customer insights is a customer-centric tactic.
Insights help you to know your customer better. Knowing your customer better can lead to better sales by being a trustworthy partner, not just a “vendor”. But insights aren’t just about knowing your customer better. It is also about how they are interacting with your business.
How do you uncover these insights? You uncover these insights by talking with your customers, not at them.
Show them that you understand their pain. Show them your expertise and unravel any misgivings they may have about your product. The expertise you have to offer only matters within the context of your customer’s problems and being able to solve them. Help your clients visualize how they can solve their problems by using your products. A customer-centric conversation is about:
- What the challenges are of decision-makers
To uncover greater insights and build better relationships with your customers give them and yourself the freedom, to be honest. It is important that you demonstrate to them that you are looking out for everyone’s best interest not just your own and that you genuinely want your customer to succeed—even if you might not have the best solution for them. Do not be afraid to tell them that. Your customers will know that they can trust you.
Show Your Customers Results
Once you have understood your customer’s needs, and potential challenges it is time to show them how they will benefit from your product. This is where you put customer insights to use. Now that you know the problems they face you can show them how your product solves those problems.
How does your product give them a return on their investment?
Customers may tend to still focus on price. They may think that the best way to figure out what product will give them the best results is the one with the lower price. This isn’t true and this is the perfect time to show them that. When customers focus on the price they overlook the true value of your product. They overlook the value of the outcome. It is about the results that they can achieve with your product.
Your product has hidden benefits that aren’t so obvious to your customer. It is your duty to find these hidden benefits and point them out to your customer. Once you do it makes your product more valuable to them than they initially thought. Benefits aren’t what your product already has it is what it does. How can your product benefit their life? When you make a product claim your customer may ask themselves what this means to them. It isn’t enough to state the benefits of your products. These benefits have to be true. If what you’re claiming your product can do isn’t true that is false advertising.
Creating a false claim will lead to broken trust between you and customers. This will lead to poor sales. Just as I stated before, to be honest with your customer. Any claims you make about your product be prepared to prove to them that they are true and accurate. It is important to know your product inside and out.
Know the features first then create the benefit. Benefits show them the true value of the product.
Creating Product Benefits
The first step in creating a product benefit is by pretending that your product is brand new. Remember that potential customers have not seen your product before. Even though your product may not exactly be brand new to the market it will still be new to them. What benefits can the customer see without you pointing them out? Start with the obvious features first then go from there.
Take Clorox bleach for example. Its obvious feature is that it cleans your white clothes. Then later on people realized that you can use it for cleaning purposes too. There about 9 hidden household uses for Clorox bleach. Those are the hidden benefits of that product.
If you can’t think of any hidden benefits of your product then ask your customers. Ask them these questions:
- How would they use it?
- Would they change anything about your product?
- Would they add anything to it?
Their answers could reveal hidden benefits that you didn’t see yourself. You may even be inspired to create some additions to your product. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself a question too. The most important question to ask yourself is does your product deliver true value? Can you show them the true value of your product through demonstrations or other marketing techniques? The more benefits your customer can see the less important price becomes.
Remember that value is in the eyes of the customer. That is why it is important to inform customers of the true value of your product. Customers will sometimes come with their own perceptions of what they think the value of your product is. It is up to you to help them overcome any misgivings they may have. Price is another way customers don’t always see the true value of your product. Frequently price and value get mixed up. Helping them to see the hidden benefits of your product will showcase the value of your product. That way they focus on the value more not the price.
Other ways to inform them of the true value of your product is through your marketing efforts. If you have discovered new benefits to your product reflect that through advertising and promotion. Advertising and promotion can be a great way to not just inform but show them the true value of your product. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Your advertising may do a better job of showing the true value of your product than words alone. But make sure to be honest about your product claims. This will let your customers see that they can trust you.