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Product Groups Overview

Use the Product Groups screen to create Product Groups and assign products to each product group. There are two general purposes for creating Product Groups

  1. Create Product Groups to display on your homepage and throughout your site. Product Groups may contain one or more Products and use a unique Product Template. The benefit is that you are able to create highly customizable Product Displays on your Home Page, Specials Page, etc.
  2. Assign Discounts to Product Groups. Build promotional product groups. You may create a Discount of Type applied per Group of Products on the Marketing | Discounts screen and assign it to a Product Group.

Product Groups Properties

New & Edit Product Group Forms:

Valid for User [select box]: Choose the User representing the destination website where you would like to display the Product Group. Choices include All Users and [Current User].

Group Name: The name of the Group as it will appear on the Control Panel Product Groups table. This is for your information only and does not appear on the generated website.

Product Template [select box]: Contains a list of all Product Templates that exist in the Design |Template Storage | Templates For Products Table. Choose the Product Template that you would like to assign to the Product Group.

Sort # (Product Groups): Determines the order in which the Product Group appears on the Control Panel Product Groups Table.

Sort # (Products in Product Group): Determines the order in which the Product appears in the Product Group.

Product Group Table

ID: The internal Database ID of the Product Group. Cannot be changed. Use this ID as part of the Keyword that gets replaced by the Product Group on the generated page(s): AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCTS_GROUP_id

In the above keyword, replace the id with the ID (internal database ID).

SKU: The number of the given product as specified under the Products tab | Products screen | General tab | Product Number field.

Product Name: The name of the given product as specified under the Products tab | Products screen | General tab | Product Name field.

Sort #: Determines the order in which the Product appears in the Product Group.

Always Include Product Links: If Yes is selected, this property allows the product group to include the Product Link if Standard Product is already in group

Group Types:

  • Best Selling Products By Revenue: This setting will display products based on the revenue generated.
  • Best Selling Products By Profit: This setting will display products based on the profit margins.
  • Most Recent Products: This setting will display the most recent products added to the store.
  • Top Ranked Products: This setting will display products based on the product rating.
  • Most Ranked Products: This setting will display the most ranked products in your store.
  • Most Profitable Products: This setting will display products based on profitability.
  • Products On Sale: This setting will display the products that have been flagged as being on sale.

Product Groups Functions

New Product Group: Click the New Product Group link to open the New Product Group form. The Product Group will not be created until you click the Add link.

Category Type / Category / Product [select boxes]: Appears on the Edit Product Group form only. Use these select boxes to choose the Product you would like to add to the Product Group.

Add Products by SKUs [checkbox]: Use to add Products to a Product Group by their SKU’s. Click the Add Products by SKUs checkbox to show the Comma Separated Product SKUs field. To use this function, enter a comma separated list of Product SKU’s in the same order that the products should appear within the Product Group on the generated page and click the Add button. Products that have been successfully added to the Product Group will appear in the table immediately below the Comma Separated SKUs field.

Product Groups Keywords

AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCTS_GROUP_id: Will be replaced with group of products. Replace the id with ID of the Product Group you want to Generate.


What Are Product Groups?

Product Groups are a customizable way of associating Products without the usage of a new CategoryType, Category, or Subcategory. Marking Products for Product Groups enables a user to assign a specific group of Products to any content area on the website that he/she wishes through the usage of the keyword AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCTS_GROUP_id where id stands for the ID of the Product Group as automatically assigned by the Control Panel.

Product Groups may also be assigned their own Product Template from the Template Storage, enabling the display of the Product Group to differ from other Brief Product Templates in the store.

An example of a Product Group as it may be placed on the homepage:

Use this shortcode to create a dynamic product group. A dynamic product group does not require generation: DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(PRODUCTS_GROUP, productGroupId=?[, categoryTypeId=?][, categoryId=?]) For product templates that will be dynamically replaced by the products of the provided regular or intelligent group id. If the categoryTypeId parameter is provided then it will override the one configured for the group. Same with the categoryId parameter.