Translate/Change Labels / Messages
Translate/Change Labels / Messages Overview
If the default language is set to something other than English, then the logged user could TRANSLATE all given messages, descriptions, and labels into the selected Language.
If the English language is selected then the logged user could CHANGE all given messages, descriptions, and labels.
HTML can be used as a value of the fields, allowing for images to be assigned instead of plain text. For example if the user wants to change the text “Add to Cart” to a link with a custom created button image, then a corresponding HTML <img> tag for the button should replace the default text in the field.
This feature basically provides a way to customize various text and phrases that are standard for the function of the shopping cart.
Translate/Change Labels / Messages Properties
Please use the Labels/Messages for function to view the properties available per screen.
Translate/Change Labels / Messages Functions
Labels/Messages for: This is a tool that allows you the select what area-specific labels/messages you would like to view and/or change. The possibilities are as follows:
Cart: Checkout: Contains Labels and Messages for the Shopping Cart Checkout pages.
- If the Login or Register label is customized as empty, then there will be no Login or Register option in the My Choices select box on the first checkout page.
Cart: eProducts: Contains Labels and Messages for generated eProduct pages.
Cart: Members: Contains Labels and Messages for the member login and account creation pages.
- If the “Login or Register” label is customized as empty then there will be no such choice in the “My Choices” dropdown on the first checkout page
Cart: Wish List: Contains Labels and Messages for member Wish List pages.
Dynamic Pages: Search: Contains Labels and Messages that may appear on the dynamic search pages.
Dynamic Pages: Tell a Friend: Contains Labels and Messages that will appear on referral pages, where customers have the ability to refer a particular page or a product to a friend via email.
Dynamic Pages: Product Filters: Contains Labels and Messages that will appear in product filter sections of the site.
Dynamic Pages: Compare Products: Contains Labels and Messages that will appear on the panel that allows buyers to view similar products in a table in order to compare their features side-by-side.
Orders: General: Contains Labels and Messages that appear on orders for members, subscribers, or customers.
Orders: E-Mails: Contains Labels and Messages that appear on emails received by members, subscribers, or customers.
Orders: Statuses: Contains Labels and Messages that may appear on pages where customers/members are able to check the status of their order.
Layout Customized I: Contains Label and Messages that may appear throught the web site.
Website: Generated Pages: Contains all basic Labels and Messages that may appear in the main template and on product pages.
Website: Product Options: Contains Labels and Messages that may appear in Product Options tables.
Website: Travel Products: Contains Labels and Messages for generated Travel Product pages.
Website: Buy Items By SKU: Contains Labels and Messages for the order by SKU panel feature.
Website: Subscribe to Back In Stock: Contains Labels and Messages for back in stock items.
Website: Product Reviews: Contains Labels and Messages that appear on product review panels.
Common: General: Contains Labels and Messages that appear on general confirmation dialog box.