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Cart Content

Shortcode Description
CART_DISCOUNTS Returns the discounted amount with a “$” sign.
CART_DISCOUNTS_RAW Returns the discounted amount without the “$” sign.
CART_ITEM_ID Returns the internal Searchfit product id.  Should be used between <foreach_item></foreach_item> tags.
CART_ITEM_IMAGE_URL Returns the url of the Tiny product image url.
CART_ITEM_INDEX This shortcode returns the item placement in the cart.
CART_ITEM_NAME Returns the item name.
CART_ITEM_OPTIONS String representation of the selected item’s options.
CART_ITEM_PRICE Returns the item price before discounts.
CART_ITEM_QTY Returns the item quantity.
CART_ITEM_QTY_INPUT Returns an input box to update quantity.
CART_ITEM_URL Returns the url of the item product page.
CART_QTY Returns the total item’s quantity.
CART_SUBTOTAL Returns subtotal of the order with a “$” sign.
CART_SUBTOTAL_RAW Returns subtotal of the order without a “$” sign.

Categories Menu

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_ISSELECTED_SUFFIX Will automatically add the suffix _selected to the assigned element the if Category is selected by the customer.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_LINK Will automatically be replaced with a direct link to the Category.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_NAME_ALT Will automatically be replaced with the alternate name of the Category.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_ISSELECTED_SUFFIX Will automatically add the suffix selected to the assigned element the if Category Type is selected by the customer.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_LINK Will automatically be replaced with a direct link to the Category Type.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_NAME_ALT Will automatically be replaced with the alternate name of the Category Type.
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBCATEGORY_ISSELECTED_SUFFIX Will automatically add the suffix _selected to the assigned element the if Subcategory is selected by the customer.
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBCATEGORY_LINK Will automatically be replaced with a direct link to the Subcategory.
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBCATEGORY_NAME_ALT Will automatically be replaced with the alternate name of the Subcategory.

Category View

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORIES_IN_CATEGORYTYPE Will automatically be replaced with a list of text links to all Categories and Subcategories within the same Category Type.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION Will automatically be replaced with the description text of the Category as entered by the user.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_ID Will automatically be replaced with the Category’s internal ID.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_ID_FOREIGN Will automatically be replaced with the Category’s foreign ID.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_ID_PATH Will automatically be replaced with the Category’s ID path. Use the ID path to have “Show All Products” per Category link.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_IMAGE Will automatically be replaced with the image assigned to the Category by the user.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_IMAGE_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL pointing to the image assigned to the Category by the user.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_NAME Will automatically be replaced with the name of the Category as text only, not as a link.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_NAME_ALT_ASLINK Will automatically be replaced with the alternate name of the Category as a link.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_NAME_ASLINK Will automatically be replaced with the name of the Category as a link.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORY_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the Category page.
AUTO_GENERATED_CONTENT_CATEGORYTYPE Will be replaced with the description of the category type that the category belongs to
STATIC_INCLUDE(CategoryUrl) NEW : Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the Category page.
STATIC_INCLUDE(CategoryImage, class=ctg_img, size=big) NEW : Will automatically be replaced with the image assigned to the Category by the user.
STATIC_INCLUDE(CategoryName) NEW : Will automatically be replaced with the name of the Category as text only, not as a link.

Category Type

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_ID Will automatically be replaced with the ID of the Category Type.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_ID_FOREIGN Will automatically be replaced with the Foreign ID of the Category Type.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_ID_PATH Will automatically be replaced with the Category Type ID path. Use the ID path to have “Show All Products” per Category Type link.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_IMAGE Will automatically be replaced with the image assigned to the Category Type by the user.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_IMAGE_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL pointing to the image assigned to the Category Type by the user.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_NAME Will automatically be replaced with the name of the Category Type.
AUTO_GENERATED_CATEGORYTYPE_DESCRIPTION NEW : Will automatically be replaced with the descriptions of the Category Type.
STATIC_INCLUDE(GetCategories, categoryTemplateType=categoryInListView.Dynamic) NEW : Will automatically be replaced with list for categories within that Category Type.

Custom Page

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_MAINITEM_ID Will automatically be replaced with the internal ID of a Main Item.
AUTO_GENERATED_MAINITEM_ISSELECTED_SUFFIX Will automatically add the suffix _selected to the assigned element the if the Main Item is selected by the customer.
AUTO_GENERATED_MAINITEM_LINK Will automatically be replaced with a link to a Main Item.
AUTO_GENERATED_MAINITEM_NAME Will automatically be replaced with the name of a Main Item.
AUTO_GENERATED_MAINITEM_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL of a Main Item.
AUTO_GENERATED_SITEMAP_BRIEFS Will be replaced with the autogenerated sitemap. The sitemap will have the brief descriptions of the categories, subcategories, and products included
AUTO_GENERATED_SITEMAP_DETAILS Will be replaced with the autogenerated sitemap. The sitemap will have the detail descriptions of the categories, subcategories, and products included
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBELEMENTS_COUNT Will automatically be replaced with the number of subelements contained by the Main Item.
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBITEM_ID Will automatically be replaced with the internal ID of a Subitem
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBITEM_ISSELECTED_SUFFIX Will automatically add the suffix _selected to the assigned element the if the Subitem is selected by the customer.
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBITEM_LINK Will automatically be replaced with a link to a Subitem.
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBITEM_NAME Will automatically be replaced with the name of a Subitem.
AUTO_GENERATED_SUBITEM_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL of a Subitem.
AUTO_GENERATED_XXX This tag can be used in all Custom Web Pages

Main Template

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_CONTENT Will be replaced with the website content, like Custom PagesCategory TypesCategoriesSubcategories, and Products.
AUTO_GENERATED_CONTEXT_OPTIONS_MANUFACTURERS Context sensitive manufacturers (see the main template help)
AUTO_GENERATED_DEST_CART_URL URL of the user’s destination cart
AUTO_GENERATED_DEST_STORE_URL Will be replaced with the URL of the user’s destination store
AUTO_GENERATED_DEST_WEBSITE_URL Will be replaced with the URL of the user’s destination website.
AUTO_GENERATED_ENTITY_NAME Will be replaced with the entity name of whatever entity (custom page, manufacturer, category type, category, or product) the page is generated for
AUTO_GENERATED_FORM_SEARCH_TRAVEL Will be replaced with the search Travel Products form.
AUTO_GENERATED_HEADER This returns all meta content from the product, category, or custom page, Searchfit generation information, all Searchfit generated scripts, css and custom css.
AUTO_GENERATED_INCLUDE_id Will be replaced with the content of the include of the corresponding ID. Replace the id with ID of the include you want to use. Example: AUTO_GENERATED_INCLUDE_3.
AUTO_GENERATED_LINK_CATEGORY_id Will be replaced with the Category link. Replace the id with id of Category you want to generate the link for. Example: AUTO_GENERATED_LINK_CATEGORY_3
AUTO_GENERATED_LINK_CATEGORYTYPE_id Will be replaced with CategoryType link. Replace the id with id of CategoryType you want to generate the link for. Example: AUTO_GENERATED_LINK_CATEGORYTYPE_3
AUTO_GENERATED_LINK_PRODUCT_id Will be replaced with a link to the Product of the corresponding ID. Replace the id with ID of the Product you want to generate the link for. Example: AUTO_GENERATED_LINK_PRODUCT_3.
AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_CATEGORYTYPE_id Will be replaced with the CategoryType Menu of the corresponding ID, inclusive of Categories and Subcategories. Replace the id with ID of CategoryType you want to generate. Example: AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_CATEGORYTYPE_3.
AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_CATEGORYTYPE_REMAINING Will be replaced with the CategoryType Menu that has CategoryTypes not already specified through usage of AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_CATEGORYTYPE_id keywords.
AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_LINKS Will automatically be be replaced with the Custom WebPages Menu.
AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_MAIN Will be replaced with the CategoryTypes Menu, inclusive of all Categories and Subcategories, as well. Styles and settings for the main menu can be found in the Website Main CSS file and the Per User Settings.
AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_WEBSITE_id Will be replaced with the autogenerated Website Menu. Replace the id with id of Website Menu template you want to use for the generation. Example: AUTO_GENERATED_MENU_WEBSITE_3
AUTO_GENERATED_METATAG_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION Will be replaced with the content of the meta tag description.
AUTO_GENERATED_METATAG_CONTENT_KEYWORDS Will be replaced with the content of the meta tag keywords.
AUTO_GENERATED_METATAG_CONTENT_TITLE Will be replaced with the title from the metatags section of the web page
AUTO_GENERATED_MSG_LASTUPDATED Will be replaced with the date of when the website was last generated.
AUTO_GENERATED_MSG_LASTUPDATED_DETAILED Will be replaced with the date of when the website was last generated in Detailed.
AUTO_GENERATED_OPTIONS_ALPHABET Allows the search to be performed by alphabet
AUTO_GENERATED_OPTIONS_CATEGORIES Allows the search to be performed by Category
AUTO_GENERATED_OPTIONS_CATEGORYTYPES Allows the search to be performed by Category Types
AUTO_GENERATED_OPTIONS_MANUFACTURERS Allows the search to be performed by Manufacturer
AUTO_GENERATED_OPTIONS_SUBCATEGORIES Allows the search to be performed by Sub Category
AUTO_GENERATED_POPULARITY_LINKS Added “Dest WebSite URL” in the user configuration, which will be used while building AUTO_GENERATED_POPULARITY_LINKS tag. Usualy this url is the same as “Dest Shop URL”.
AUTO_GENERATED_POWERSEARCH_FORM Will be replaced with the PowerSearch search form if the store owner uses PowerSearch. The search form supports auto completion and when the user click on the search button he will automatically forwarded to the advanced PowerSearch results. If the websit
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCTS_GROUP_id Will be replaced with the group of products with the corresponding ID. Replace the id with ID of the group you want to generate. Example: AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCTS_GROUP_3.
AUTO_GENERATED_RSSFEEDS_LIST Will be replaced with a statically generated list of the available RSS Feeds links at the time of generation
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_CATEG If in the main template then it will be replaced with a Category DropDown
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_CATEG_NOSUBS Will be replaced with a dropdown navigator that has category types and categories, bit no subcategories
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_CATEGTYPE Will be replaced with a dropdown navigator that has category types only
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_CATEGTYPE_id Will be replaced with a dropdown navigator that has categories and subcategories. Replace the id with id of CategoryType you want to generate the dropdown for.
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_MANUFACTURERS Webpage/URL can be assigned to a manufacturer, this shortcode generates dropdown of all manufacturers. It redirects the visitor to the assigned Webpage/URL of the selected manufacturer.
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SCART Will be replaced with the View Cart icon and link. If you want to customize the View Cart link you may skip adding AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SCART
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SEARCH Will be replaced with the “Search” icon and link. If you want to customize the Search tool you may skip adding AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SEARCH
AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SEARCHDB Will be replaced with the “Search” icon and link. If you want to customize the Search tool you may skip adding AUTO_GENERATED_TOOL_SEARCHDB
AUTO_GENERATED_URL_CATEGORY_id Will be replaced with the Category url. Replace the id with id of Category you want to generate the url for.
AUTO_GENERATED_URL_CATEGORYTYPE_id Will be replaced with CategoryType url. Replace the id with id of CategoryType you want to generate the url for.
AUTO_GENERATED_URL_PRODUCT_id Will be replaced with the Product url. Replace the id with id of Product you want to generate the url for.
AUTO_GENERATED_WEBLINKS Will be replaced with the prepared links of the Custom Web Pages (usually used at the bottom of a page).
AUTO_GENERATED_WEBPAGE_NAME Will be replaced with the web page name
AUTO_OPTIONS_CATEGORIES Allow to search by categorytypes and categories options
AUTO_OPTIONS_CATEGORYTYPES Allow to search by categorytypes options
AUTO_OPTIONS_SUBCATEGORIES Allow to search by categorytypes, categories, and subcategories options
STATIC_INCLUDE(GetBreadcrumbs,showHomeLink=true) NEW : This will generate breadcumbs with default home icon with link.
STATIC_INCLUDE(GetBreadcrumbs,showHomeLink=false) NEW : This will generate breadcumbs without home icon.
DYNAMIC_INCLUDE(MENU_FILTERS, hideBreadcrumbs=1) NEW : This will hide the breadcrumb from Filter Page.

Manufacturer View

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_DESCR Will automatically be replaced with the description of the manufacturer.
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_ID Will automatically be replaced with the manufacturer’s internal ID.
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_ID_FOREIGN Will automatically be replaced with the manufacturer’s foreign id.
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_IMAGE Will automatically be replaced with the image of the manufacturer.
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_IMAGE_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the image of the manufacturer.
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_NAME Will automatically be replaced with the name of the manufacturer (not a link).
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_NAME_ALT Will automatically be replaced with the ALT Name of the manufacturer (not a link).
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_NAME_ALT_ASLINK Will automatically be replaced with the ALT Name of the manufacturer as a link to the manufacturer web page.
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_NAME_ASLINK Will automatically be replaced with the name of the manufacturer as a link to the manufacturer web page.
AUTO_GENERATED_MANUFACTURER_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the manufacturer web page.
STATIC_INCLUDE(ManufacturerName) NEW : Will automatically be replaced with the name of the manufacturer (not a link).
STATIC_INCLUDE(ManufacturerUrl) NEW : Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the manufacturer web page.
STATIC_INCLUDE(ManufacturerImage, size=big, width=150, class=ui-corner-all) NEW : Will automatically be replaced with the image of the manufacturer.


Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID Will automatically be replaced with the id of the category.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_LINK Will be replaced with the link to the category page of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_NAME Additional special keywords that can be used in the AUTO_GENERATED_HEADER section of the products: Will be replaced with the category name of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_PRODUCTS Will automatically be replaced with products that belong to the same Category as the product (available for Detail Product Templateonly). Warning! This may slow down the generation significantly, so if really needed, use for small stores only.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_URL Will be replaced with the URL to the category page of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORYTYPE_ID Will automatically be replaced with the id of the category type.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORYTYPE_LINK Will be replaced with the link to the category type page of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORYTYPE_NAME Will be replaced with the name of the category type the product belongs to.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORYTYPE_URL Will be replaced with the URL to the category type page of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CHECKBOX_ADD2CART Will automatically be replaced with a checkbox, so the product can be added to the cart only if the checkbox is selected.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_COMPARE_CHECKBOX Will be replaced by a checkbox with the label compare. When checked, the corresponding Product will be added to the list of Products to compare. Once more than one products’ compare checkboxes are checked, checking a checkbox will cause a menu to display with the options: Compare Products NowReset Compare ProductsCompare Later.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR Will automatically be replaced with the description of the product. The brief description will be used if the keyword is in the Brief Product Template. The detail description will be used if the keyword is in the Detail Product Template.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_1 Will automatically be replaced with the additional description (1) of the product. The brief description will be used if the keyword is in the Brief Product Template. The detail description will be used if the keyword is in the Detail Product Template.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_2 Will automatically be replaced with the additional description (2) of the product. The brief description will be used if the keyword is in the Brief Product Template. The detail description will be used if the keyword is in the Detail Product Template.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_BRIEF Will be replaced with the brief description of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_BRIEF_1 Will be replaced with the 1st additional brief description of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_BRIEF_2 Will be replaced with the 2nd additional brief description of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_DETAILED Will be replaced with the detail description of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_DETAILED_1 Will be replaced with the 1st additional detail description of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_DETAILED_2 Will be replaced with the 2nd additional detail description of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_DESCR_TRAVEL Will automatically be replaced with the description of a Travel Product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_EAN Returns the value in the EAN field.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_ID Will automatically be replaced with the product’s internal ID.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_ID_FOREIGN Will automatically be replaced with the product’s foreign ID.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_ID_FOREIGN_SRC If the product is of type link then this keyword will be replaced with the foreign id of the source (original) product, if it is not a link then it will be replaced with the foreign id of the product itself
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_BIG Will be replaced with the big image of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_BIG_URL Will be replaced with the URL of the big image
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_LARGE Will be replaced with the large image of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_LARGE_URL Will be replaced with the URL of the large image
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_NOALIGN This keyword functions the same as AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE, but the image will not be aligned left.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_SMALL Will be replaced with the small image of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_SMALL_URL Will be replaced with the URL of the small image
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL Will be replaced with the thumbnail image of the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_URL Will be replaced with the URL of the thumbnail image
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_TINY Will automatically be replaced with the tiny image of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_TINY_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the tiny image.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_IMAGE_URL Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the image.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_ISBN Will automatically be replaced with the ISBN of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LAYOUT2_REBATE_SPECIALTIES Will automatically be replaced with the names of all available specialties (rebate) using layout2.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LAYOUT2_SPECIALTIES Will automatically be replaced with the names of all available specialties (discounts) using layout2.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LAYOUT3_REBATE_SPECIALTIES Will be replaced with the names of all available specialties (rebate) using layout3 (see the help). Layout3 is the same as layout2, but without the expiration column.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LAYOUT3_SPECIALTIES Will be replaced with the names of all available specialties (discounts) using layout3 (see the help). Layout3 is the same as layout2, but without the expiration column.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LINK_ADD2WISHLIST Will be replaced with the “Add to WishList” link
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LINK_BACK Will automatically be replaced with the link back to the category to which the product belongs. It can be used only in the Detail Product Template.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LINK_MORE Will automatically be replaced with the link to the detail product if used in the Brief Product Template and will be replaced with the link to the brief product if used in the Detail Product Template.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LINK_PRINTABLE_VIEW Will be replaced with the “Printable View” link
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER_ID The id of the manufacturer that is assigned to the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER_ID_FOREIGN The foreign id of the manufacturer that is assigned to the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER_IMAGE The HTML image tag that represents the logo of the manufacturer
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER_NAME The name of the manufacturer that is assigned to the product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_METATAG_DESCRIPTION Will automatically be replaced with the product’s meta tag description (as contained in the meta tag description tag).
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_METATAG_KEYWORDS Will automatically be replaced with the product’s meta tag keywords (as contained in the meta tag keywords tag).
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_METATAG_TITLE Will automatically be replaced with the product’s meta tag title (as contained in the <title> tag).
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_MPN  Will automatically be replaced with the MPN of the product .
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_NAME Will automatically be replaced with the name of the product (as link if configured in the Per User settings).
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_NAME_ONLY Will automatically be replaced with the name of the product (as text only, not a link regardless of your Per User configuration).
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_NAVBAR Will automatically be replaced with the Navigation Bar of the product (if applicable).
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_NUMBER Will automatically be replaced with the Product# followed by the number of the product. This field holds up to 75 characters.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_NUMBER_ONLY Will automatically be replaced with the number of the product only, without the label Product#. This field holds up to 75 characters.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_OPTION_NAMES Will automatically be replaced with the options Header Name
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_OPTIONS Will automatically be replaced with the options of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE Will automatically be replaced with the List Price (if not zero and greater than the Final Price) and Final Price of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_BRIEF The system now allows the following prices to be entered and imported per prices. All available keywords in the product templates to support the usage of product. They can all be customized by user/store for multi-store customers:
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_COST Will be replaced with the Cost Price of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_DETAILED Returns MSRP with a slash, the final price, a “You Save” dollar amount and the percentage saved.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_DIFF_AMOUNT Will automatically be replaced with the difference in monetary amount between the product’s List and Final Prices.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_DIFF_PERCENT Will automatically be replaced with the difference in percentage between the product’s List and Final Prices.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_FINAL Will automatically be replaced with the Final Price of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_FINAL_TAX Will automatically be replaced with the Final Price of the product that includes the tax for the default country as well.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_LIST Will automatically be replaced with the List Price of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_MAP Will automatically be replaced with the MAP Price of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_SALE Will automatically be replaced with the Sale Price of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PRICE_SELLING Will automatically be replaced with the Selling Price of the product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PROPERTY_LABEL_XX Will automatically be replaced with a customized property label. Where the XX is, a 2 digit number from 1-35. For Example: AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PROPERTY_LABEL_01.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PROPERTY_XX Will automatically be replaced with the contents of an additional property of the product, where XX is a 2 digit number ranging from 01-35. For Example: AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_PROPERTY_01.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_QTY Will automatically be replaced with a label and an input field where the customer can enter the quantity of the product before adding it to the cart.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_QTY_FIELD Will automatically be replaced with an input field where the customer can enter the quantity of the product before adding it to the cart without a label preceding it.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_QUICK_LOOK Implemented Product Quick Look feature that allows visitors to mouse over the product images on the category pages and have a quick look at the details of the product with a click of a button while staying on the same page.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_RELATED Will automatically be replaced with the product’s related products.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_SPECIALTIES This shortcode can be used in the product’s templates. This will be reaplaced with the names of all specialties (discounts) available for the generating product. Notice! All specialties with empty names will not be shown.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_UPC Will be replaced with the UPC of product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_URL_ADD2CART Will be replaced with the URL of the “Buy Now” link
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_URL_ADD2WISHLIST Will be replaced with the URL of the “Add to WishList” link
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_URL_BRIEF Will be replaced with the URL pointing to the webpage of the brief product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_URL_DETAILED Will be replaced with the URL pointing to the webpage of the detail product
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_URL_MOVE2CART Will be replaced with the URL of the “Add to Cart” link
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_URL_PRINTABLE_VIEW Will be replaced with the “Printable View” url
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_WEBPAGE_NAME Will automatically be replaced with the URL pointing to the webpage of the brief/detail product.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCTS_IN_CATEGORY Ads list of text links to all products in the same sub category or category. Increases link text frequency on detailed product pages.
USER_PRICE_DIFF The product’s USER_PRICE_DIFF now can be a percent as well as an amount. The same is true for the product’s optionsВ USER_PRICE_DIFF. This is the product’s user price difference for a particular user and that’s the price, which increases/decreases the fina

Related Product

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LINK_ADD2CART Will automatically be replaced with the Buy Now link.
AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_LINK_MOVE2CART Will automatically be replaced with the Add to Cart link.


Shortcode Description
STORE_DATE This will be replaced with the current Date (Day Month Year).
STORE_DATE_TIME This will be replaced with the current Date and Time (Day Month Year).
STORE_DATE_YEAR This will be replaced with the current year.
STORE_EMAIL This will be replaced with the email address of the store.
STORE_LINK This will be replaced with the HTML link of the store.
STORE_LOGIN_URL This will be replaced with the URL of the members login page.
STORE_NAME This will be replaced with the store name.
STORE_OWNER_NAME This will be replaced with the store owner’s full name.
STORE_PHONE This will be replaced with the phone number of the store.
STORE_URL This will be replaced with the URL of the store.

Thanks Page

Shortcode Description
SCART_ORDER_AMOUNT_SUBTOTAL Will be replaced with the subtotal amount of the order (in selected currency)
SCART_ORDER_AMOUNT_SUBTOTAL_USDOLLAR Will be replaced with the subtotal amount of the order (in us dollars)
SCART_ORDER_AMOUNT_TOTAL Will be replaced with the total amount of the order (in selected currency)
SCART_ORDER_AMOUNT_TOTAL_USDOLLAR Will be replaced with the total amount of the order (in us dollars)
SCART_ORDER_CUSTOMER_ISNEW Will be replaced with 1 if customer is New
SCART_ORDER_CUSTOMER_ISREPEAT Will be replaced with 1 if customer has ordered before or 0 if not.
SCART_ORDER_NUMBER Will be replaced with the number of the order.
SCART_ORDER_QTY_TOTAL Will be replaced with the total quantity of the ordered items.
SCART_ORDER_WEIGHT_TOTAL Will be replaced with the total weight of the ordered items.
SCART_UID Will be replaced with the id of the user.

Wholesale Login

Shortcode Description
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_DATE This will be replaced with the current Date (Day Month Year).
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_DATE_TIME This will be replaced with the current Date and Time (Day Month Year).
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_DATE_YEAR This will be replaced with the current year.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_EMAIL This will be replaced with the email address of the store.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_LINK This will be replaced with the HTML link of the store.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_LOGIN_URL This will be replaced with the URL of the members login page.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_NAME This will be replaced with the store name.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_OWNER_NAME This will be replaced with the store owner’s full name.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_PHONE This will be replaced with the phone number of the store.
AUTO_GENERATED_STORE_URL This will be replaced with the URL of the store.