Orders Overview
An Order Number will be assigned to every order. The default format of the number is: x-DDMMYY (the "x" is the internal id of the order (unique), and "DDMMYY (day month year). The user can review his/her orders and mark the ones, which has been shipped as DONE.
An View link appears next to each order on the Orders screen. Clicking the link opens the Order Details form. The top of the Order Details form displays the Paid Date. The Paid Date is automatically changed when the order changes its paid status.
NOTE: If a user performs actions on an order that belongs to another user then all actions will be processed with the loaded configuration of the user that owns the order.
Orders Properties
The order has been PAID (funds collected)
The order has been AUTHORIZED, but NOT PAID yet (funds not collected)
The order has NOT been PAID (funds not collected)
Statuses of an Order:
- New order (not finished). This is a new order that the customer has not finished. The System creates such an order when the customer is on the last page (verify) before placing the order. If the order is placed then its status will be changed to New. There are times when an Order with status New (not finished) will never change to status New. It may happen because of two reasons. First, the customer has not finished the order that means he has never clicked on the "Order" button in the shopping cart. Second, the system has connected to Credit Card Online processor but their server has failed to notify the system about the successful order. In this case the user should change manually the status of the order to New or In Progress.
- New order. Every new order will have status New. The status will be changed automatically to In Progress when the order is reviewed.
- In progress, reviewed order, working on it to finish it. If order has a status "in progress" then the order has been reviewed, but the money has not been collected yet or the items has not been shipped yet.
- Approved order, reviewed by 3rd person, and ready for processing
- On backorder
- Incomplete (or on hold)
- Partially shipped
- In transit
Priority Delivery
- Follow up
- Ready for shipment
- Done order. Use this status to indicate that you do not have to work on the order anymore
- Refunded
- Bad order. If for some reason you have received a fake order you can change it’s status to Bad Order and keep it for a while or you can delete it.
- Cancelled order. If for some reason you have order that have been cancelled you can change it’s status to Cancelled Order and keep it for a while or you can delete it.
- Order #: This field contains individual order numbers for products purchased.
- Hovering over this number will provide a summary of the order.
- Customer: This field contains the name of the customer that made the order.
- Country[State]: This field contains the country or the state that the order will be shipped to.
- Amount: This field contains the amount of the order.
- Paid: This field contains a graphical representation of the paid status of the order.
- Status: This field indicates the processing status of the order.
- [Edit All]: Clicking this link will enable you to modify every order of the screen. The parts that can be modified are as follows:
- Paid: You can select whether the order is paid for or not. Additionally, you can alter the amount that is or has been paid.
- Status: From this dropdown box, you can change the order status for the corresponding order.
- Edit: Clicking this link will enable you to edit various parts of the corresponding order.
- Del: Clicking this link will delete the order.
NOTE: We strongly recommend changing the status of an order to "done", "bad", or "cancelled" if you have finished with it. Additional Indicators:
- warnings, the order has backordered items (for example).
Orders Sold By Marketers
Affiliate Link: Customer arrived at website due to affiliate link. If an order was referred to your store by an Affiliate, then a affiliate icon () will appear on the Order table next to the corresponding order(s).
Seller: Sale was entered by a Service User of type Seller. If an order was created by a Seller, then a seller icon () will appear on the Order table next to the corresponding order(s).
Orders Functions
Search Orders: Search by date, Email, Customer, Company, Country, State, Paid, Amount, PO Number, Order#, Status, Foreign ID, Tax Exempt Status, Paid Date, Coupon Number and Active vs Inactive Product Status. Ability to search orders by Foreign ID. Foreign id is an id of the order in another checkout system. For example, for google checkout, all placed orders will have the foreign id to be the id of the google checkout order.
Print Orders: The Print Orders button ( ) is visible when viewing an order. To view an order, go to the Orders screen and click the View link corresponding to the order you would like to view. After clicking the Print Orders button, a panel will be launched containing settings that will allow you to specify if various items should be included in the printable version of the order, such as: Internal Information, Tracking Numbers, Progress History, Internal Notes, Proud ct Additional Properties (id, manufacturer).
Shipping Information [Change]: Clicking this link will enable you to change the shipping information on the order.
Billing Information [Change]: Clicking this link will enable you to change the billing information on the order.
Importing Orders
You have the ability to import orders into the system. Choose the Import Orders option on the Select a Function select box (on the Orders Screen) to open the Import Records form and use that form to import orders.The Import Records form contains two sections, Order Properties and Extra Configuration. You are able to import documents with tab delimited values (.txt), or comma separated values (.csv). Choose the matching selection from the Columns Separator setting.
In the Order Properties section, check the corresponding checkbox(es) and click the corresponding radio button for the values you would like to import. A Column Index filed is listed per item. The Column Index value is the column number of the import document where the corresponding data is located. The Extra Configuration section of the Import Records form contains a variety of settings to determine what happens during the import process. Use with caution.
Order Properties:
- Order ID: The ID of the Order. A unique identifier used by the system.
- Order Number: The Number of the Order. A unique identifier used by the system.
- Progress History:The Progress History of the Order (may be made available to the customer).
- Internal Notes: The Internal Notes of the Order.
- Order’s Import File: Use the Browse button to locate the Orders import document.
Extra Configuration:
- Change Paid to [select box]: Allows you to change the paid status of orders being imported.
- Change Status to [select box]: Allows you to change the Order Status of orders being imported.
- Import Action [select box]: Choices include Append or Override. Appending will add information to existing orders. Overriding will replace the existing order with the new order.
- Columns Separator [select box]: Choices include Tab or Comma. Choose Tab if your import document is in .txt format (tab delimited). Choose Comma if your document is in .csv format (comma separated values).
- Skip Line Numbers: Enter a comma separated list of numbers corresponding to the row numbers on your import document that you would like the system to skip. The intended use for this is to allow you to skip importing rows on the import document which are column headers.
- Send email to [select box]: Choices include None, All (Admins + Customers + Vendors), All (Admins + Customers – Vendors), Admins, Customers, Vendors. This setting determines who receive an order confirmation email for each updated order upon import.
- Using template [select box]: Select the Order’s Confirmation Email template that should control the format of the Order Confirmation email sent upon import.
Orders Group Functions
Export Orders: Most of the details of the orders can be exported and saved to a local file. For instance, if you want to export the shipping information of all new orders, first use the SEARCH ORDERS form and select NEW for the status field, then click on the SHOW button. Notice that all shown orders are with status NEW. Now you can use the EXPORT form to select a previously created template and export the shipping information described by the template to a local file. Using a template you can export information in XML format as well.
Template: Choose the Order’s Export Template to be used. The Export Orders Template determines the data that will be added per order to the exported document. Use the Template Storage screen (located within the Design tab ) | Export Orders Template screen to create and store an Export Orders Template.
To: Choose the desired format of the exported document. Choices include: Text File (any format), Text File (html format), Text File (csv format) and Text File (xml format).
Change Status: Allows you to change order status of the exported orders upon export. Use with caution.
Additional Instructions
Orders Unlock Key: If an Order Unlock key is created, then store owners must enter an additional password (Order Unlock Key) when attempting to view orders on the Orders screen in order to view the full order details and functions.
In some cases, an Order Unlock key is required by the system. An Order Unlock key is required ONLY if orders stored in the SearchFit control panel contain credit card information.
If the store owner does not need to store credit card numbers in their SearchFit Control Panel, (while the funds are automatically captured via a payment gateway) then NO “Unlock Key” is required. If an Order unlock key is needed, then you will be prompted to enter your order unlock key when viewing an order (on the “Orders” screen).
Even if an Order Unlock Key is not required (as outlined in the above requirements), one can still be created using the below listed steps. Using an Order Unlock Key is a good idea because it provides and added level of security.
When an order is locked, and you attempt to view the order, you will see only limited information including the order number, items ordered, price, quantity, total, sub total, shipping method, weight and payment method. When an order is locked, the following sections of the View Order screen will not be visible: Internal Information of the Order, Additional Properties, Additional Functions.
How to Use an Order Unlock Key to View Sensitive Data of Your Orders:
- Step 1. Login to your SearchFit Control Panel using the primary account login (Chief Admin).
- Step 2: Once logged in go to the Settings tab | Users screen.
- Step 3 : Locate the user with the role of ChiefAdmin and click the corresponding “Edit” link on the right side of the screen
- Step 4 : Under the subsection labeled Security you will see a box marked “Unlock Key For Orders” type in your new key and save at the bottom of the screen.
Full Credit Card #: there is an option in the user configuration that makes the credit card numbers to be encrypted while reviewing orders. To select the credit card numbers to be encrypted go to CONFIGURE/Per User and select option YES for the field Full Credit Card # reviewing Orders. If you do not have access to the CONFIGURE menu then ask the ChiefAdmin to make the changes.
Status DONE, BAD, or CANCELLED: if order has status DONE, BAD, or CANCELLED then the credit card number will be masked.
Order with Electronic Products. Electronic products are products that can be downloaded and no shipping is required. If such a product is purchased and placed in an order then the customer will be given a URL from where the eProduct can be downloaded. The important thing is that the download procedure will be disabled until the order is verified and enabled by the seller. After a specific period of time the eProduct will be again disabled for download for the corresponding order (download expiration).
Viewing Orders
To view an order, on the Orders screen, click the View link corresponding to the order which you would like to view. Upon doing so, you will be transferred to the View Order screen. At this point you may need to enter an Order Unlock Key to view the full order details ( see information about the Order Unlock Key below in the Additional Instructions section ).
Refresh [link]: Click the Refresh link to refresh/update the information on the View Orders screen For example, clicking the Refresh link may update the screen to display Progress History entered by another User.
General Order Details Section
The top section of the View Orders screen displays General Order Details such as the Order Number, Date, Items Ordered, Price, Quantity, Total, Sub Total, Grand Total, Weight Total and Payment Method.
Internal Information of the Order Section
REMOTE_ADDR:IP address of the buyer. This is a clickable link. Upon clicking the IP Address, you will be transferred to a page displaying information related to the location of the IP address such as country, city, language, etc.
REMOTE_HOST_BY_ADDR:Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address.
HTTP_USER_AGENT:The client application that was used to access your website, such as the browser and related details.
Payment Method: States the payment method corresponding to the order.
Additional Properties Section
Paid [select box]: States Yes or No.This setting may be changed. Click the Changed Paid Date icon ( ) to view the last date the status was changed and additional details.
Charged Total [text field]: States the total amount charged corresponding to the order. This value is editable.
Authorized [select box]: States Yes or No. This setting may be changed.
Status [select box]: States the status of the order. This setting may be changed.
Tracking Numbers: Contains a comma separated list of tracking numbers corresponding to the order.
Progress History: The purpose of this field is to store information about the order, such as the shipping status. If you have an Order Status link on your website (similar to the below example), then customers will be able to view the contents of this field when checking their order status.
- Example of order status link:
<a href="tool_order_status.php">Check Order Status</a>
Internal Notes: The purpose of this field is to store information about the order, such as notes regarding customers who have called in. This field will not be visible to customers, unless you include it in your order confirmation emails.
Additional Functions Section
Re Send Order Confirmation Emails: You have the ability to send order confirmation emails to customers and Users using a custom email receipt template. The purpose of this feature is to allow you to keep customers and Users informed regarding order status, tracking numbers & progress history and give extra copies of order details as needed.
- Send Email to [select box]: Choices include None, All (Admins + Customer), Customers and Admins. Use this setting to choose who should receive the confirmation emails.
- Using Template: Select the Order’s Confirmation Email template that should be used to create the emails. The Order’s Confirmation Email template is stored in the Template Storage screen (located within the Design tab).
- Execute [Email Button]: Click this button to send an Order’s Confirmation Email.
Exporting Individual Orders: You have the ability to export the order data corresponding too the order on the currently being viewed.
- Export Orders Template: Select the Export Orders template that should be used to create the exported document. The Export Orders template is stored in the Template Storage screen (located within the Design tab ).
- To [select box]: Choices include Text File (any format), Text File (HTML format), Text File (CSV format) and Text File (XML format). Select the format that should be used for the exported document.
Capture Funds Button: Available only if the credit card processor being used is Authorize.net Payflo Pro. This button appears on the "View Order" screen when the order has been authorized but funds are not captured yet. Store owners can click on the button and capture the funds at the time of shipment if they have chosen to do so.