Upselling is a technique that works efficiently in both an eCommerce and brick and mortar setting. It increases order values and, when done properly, helps customers purchase additional, necessary products. Although Upsells are an incremental bump in order amounts, over the course of a year, small sales increases add up to a nice year-end bonus. In general, upselling is the attempt to increase the order amount. This can be done by either presenting the customer with a more expensive alternate product, or by asking the customer to purchase additional products.
Many shopping carts offer plugins to meet the need for upsell features, but SearchFit offers a built-in Upsell feature that can be easily updated with a product import or with per products edits. SearchFit displays Upsell products on a splash page before the customer enters the shopping cart. Ecommerce developers can customize the product template showing each product to refine the layout and maximize the user experience.
Along with the Related Products, Recently Viewed Products, and Customers Also Purchased product groups, the Upsells feature gives ecommerce managers more flexibility to present more offers to customers.
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