SearchFit provides many third party integrations that can help you expand your business and reach. SearchFit offers an excellent shipping integration through Freightquote. Freightquote is one of the nation’s largest online freight dealers and offers innovative solutions-driven technology. With SearchFit and Freightquote working together for you can give your customers the ability to instantly see freight shipping rates just by entering some basic information.
- With Freightquote you are not limited to just one service provider for your shipping needs. We offer service through the nation’s largest companies including: FEDEX, UPS, USPS.
- Freightquote can be integrated with existing accounts, so that you can take advantage of negotiated rates.
- Since your consumers will have multiple providers at their disposal, they will not have to settle on one price. Freightquote will return multiple rates and depending on your location, the end zip code, weight, and dimensions, it will help your consumer determine which rate makes the most sense.
- With this service you can also tailor products to different shipping rates.
With SearchFit and Freightquote you it will be possible for you to expand your shipping capabilities and appeal to vendors who make large bulk purchases.
With SearchFit and Freightquote working together, you can help bring your customer their product in a reliable and speedy manner. Sign up today for a free 30-minute demo with an ecommerce expert to see how SearchFit and its integrations can help you and your business.
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