With SearchFit’s innovative software, you are able to publish multiple websites from a single admin panel, personalize many aspects of each store, and control your administrative users’ access for each published site. The ability to publish multiple websites from a single product database allows store owners to target niche markets, carve out special offerings from their products, or publish Dealer Only websites. We offer the following features to help you make the most of your ecommerce website:
- Custom SEO rules for each website: You can create custom SEO for each of your stores, while maintaining the same information from the database or using unique per user content.
- Per Store user: Publish unique content per store. Each website can display different pricing, and product content as well as maintain its own set of custom pages.
- Per Store Templates: Apply different templates to each website to accommodate different buying behaviors or to simply differentiate your sites from each other.
- Per Store Currency: If your reach is global, this feature allows you to display different currencies and languages.
- Publish Multiple Websites from a Single Product Database: With the Multistore feature you are able to create specialized niche stores for you best performing products.
SearchFit’s multistore feature can help open up many avenues for potential growth for your ecommerce website. With the multistore feature, you can publish a new website with a new domain, enabling you to expand your web presence, test new designs and accommodate different consumer buying behaviors. With this same feature you can give your dealers special access be a creating a “dealer only” website. The dealer would be able to see pricing ad product offerings specific to them.
With such large potential, we cannot include everything on a single page. Contact us to set a free 30-minute demo and we can discuss how SearchFit’s Multistore Platform can be tailored to meet your needs.
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